Saturday, January 26, 2008

Gluteal Stretching

In our continued focus on stretching, today we'll wrap up our coverage of the leg with the muscle group which is arguably the biggest and strongest in the body, the Gluteal muscles. Two muscles, the Gluteus Maximus and Gluteus Minimus, make up what is also referred to as the buttocks (and other names which I will not mention here).

These muscles are responsible primarily for extension of the hip joint (and to help keep our pants up above our waistline unless you are one of those unfortunate souls who thinks its cool to walk with the waist of your pants hanging precariously on the minor curvature of your hamstring muscles!)

Stretching these muscles requires a combination of hip flexion and also a little bit of internal rotation of the hip to get the most optimal results.
Basic Gluteal Stretch

Advanced Gluteal Stretch

Combination Flexion/Rotation Stretch

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